XMLTV 2 DB is a utility for Ed Avis' XMLTV project.

xmltv2db inserts the XMLTV (TV listing) data into a JDBC compliant database. From there you can use PHP or any other web-relevant language to create complex, customized TV listings online.

xmltv2db extracts show's title, sub-title, desc, date, audio-type, episode-num, rating (G, PG, PG-13, etc), star-rating, category, credits and actor. Some of the information is typically missing from the XMLTV data stream but xmltv2db extracts most of what is there.

xmltv2db is still in the alpha stage. For an example of the type of listings that can be created with XMLTV and XMLTV 2 DB click here


You can download xmltv2db at sourceforge.net

SourceForge.net Logo Project Page is here.
Chris Blackburn